After the mass, Fr. Mario gave a conference on the meaning of formation for the laity according to Cristifidelis Laici: spiritual formation, doctrinal formation, formation of social conscience and integrated program of formation to develop human values and skills to carry out their apostolate. He also spoke about the necessity to develop a deep and personal relationship with Jesus Christ: the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE. This follows the Lumen Gentium definition of holiness as the perfection of charity and an intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
In the afternoon, Sis. Susan Aoanan organized the Stations of the Cross and facilitated the meditation. Msgr. Jesus A. Cabrera, DD - the Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Alaminos gave the conference on "Love" and "Ministry." The Recollection ended with the Penitential Rite and Confessions.
On Thursday (after Ash Wednesday) the Convento Workers and Parish Secretaries from all the parishes and schools of the Archdiocese will come to LFC for this one-day recollection.