Thursday, July 12, 2012



We received a very good response from our invitation for the three Jubilee of the Laity congresses. We expected the venue to be full and we need to set order for the occasion with the following guidelines:
1.       The congress will commence at exactly 8:00 o’clock AM. PLEASE COME EARLY. There will be ushers and usherettes to guide you to your seats. It will be on a first come, first serve basis. We will be reserving an area for the senior citizens (60 years old and above). However, if you are late, or if you arrive after eight you may have to occupy the back seats. It is advisable that you come early and  in groups.
2.       It is imperative that you wear your T-shirts for smooth admittance to the congress. When fully paid, T-shirts will be distributed and should reach you before the day of the congress.
3.       In order to avoid dehydration, please bring with you your drinking water. There may be bottles of water for sale but you can avoid a long line of waiting if you bring your own.
4.       As you enter you will be given your meal stubs. Please don’t lose them as you need them to redeem your food and/or your raffle prizes should you win. To claim your food, we encourage you to assign your own point person to collect your meal stubs and redeem it for you. Each point person is to redeem 10 – 20 food packs.
5.       Since this is a congress and we will have an open forum, please bring with you your pen and paper for note-taking and for writing your questions should you have any regarding the topic of the speaker.
6.       Let us practice a life of stewardship. We encourage you to bring your offering, in cash or in kind for the apostolate which you will offer to the Lord during the Eucharistic celebration.
7.       Should you incur any problem or should you have any complaints at all concerning the congress, we will be happy to assist you and answer any of your questions. Just locate the Complaints Station and look for Sis. Silvana M. de Vera.
Thank you and we look forward to see you in the Congresses.
God bless.