1. Our formation this season will begin before Lent to accommodate most of our lay companions in the service of the Church and Liturgy. We organized the program after the consultation we had with the representatives sent by the different parishes on the 9th of January 2010 at LFC.
2. The one-day formation program will begin with the Eucharistic Celebration at eight o’clock in the morning, and end after the Penitential Rite and Confessions at three o’clock in the afternoon. This year, the major conference will be given on PRAYER, based on the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church in the morning. The afternoon conference will be on the “Year for Priests” to be given by Archbishop Socrates Villegas or Bishop Rene Mayugba.
3. All participants would need a recommendation letter from their Parish Priests or School Directors. To facilitate, this schedule of submission can help:
a. BEFORE January 31, 2010 (Sunday), the recommendation letter must contain the following:
i. ALTAR SERVERS – 9 to 15 years old, at least one year in serving the liturgy, must be regularly attending mass and receiving Holy Communion.
b. BEFORE February 17, 2010 (Ash Wednesday), the recommendation letter should contain the names of the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) and the Lectors-Commentators.
c. BEFORE March 28, 2010 (Palm Sunday), the recommendation letter should contain the names of the Choir Directors and Instrumentalists, and the NEW Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Lectors-Commentators who are to attend the BASIC FORMATION.
4. The fees. The Basic Formation for NEW EMHC and Lectors is 50% subsidized by the Chancery. The two-day formation seminar is P500, the other P250 is usually shouldered by the parishes (or the participants). The seminar includes formation materials. All the other programs/recollections have P200 as registration fee. For the altar servers, it will be P100, and the Collectors, Ushers and Greeters, P150.
5. LFC will provide individual ID’s and an OFFICIAL LISTING of each parish/school’s LAY WORKERS before Holy Thursday. The New EMHC and Lectors-Commentators will receive Certificates at the end of their Basic Formation.
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